题目:Ice nucleation proteins: from
molecular cloning to functional packaging
报告人:黄庆荣教授,美国新泽西州罗格斯大学 食品科学系
时 间:2018年5月25日(周五)上午9:30-10:10
地 点:食品科技学院学术报告厅(食品院215)
黄庆荣博士现任美国新泽西州罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)食品科学系教授。他于2002年建立美国第一个食品纳米实验室。他的团队致力于食品高分子与纳米食品研究,通过应用基础学科的理论及实验手段,例如高分子物理及化学、胶体化学、材料化学、药理学、营养学,并结合食品化学及食品工程的知识,解决了天然产物低溶解度,低载量,低生物活性和低生物可利用率等一系列科学难题。他是2017年Thomson Reuters全球高引用作者(highly
cited researcher), 2017年美国农业化学杂志高引作者之一,2010年Journal of Food
Science杂志引用率最高的作者。黄庆荣教授于2016年当选美国化学会农业化学部Fellow。目前在纳米功能食品和营养方面的研究处于国际领先水平,多次被国立卫生研究院(NIH),美国化学会(ACS)等邀请为学术讲座主讲人,并担任《Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science》期刊(IF 6.13)的特邀编辑。主要著作有《Micro/Nano Encapsulation of
Active Food Ingredients》、《Nanotechnology in the
Food, Beverage and Nutraceutical Industries》等。在国际权威杂志Journal of American
Chemical Society, Chemistry of Materials, Chemical Communication, Molecular
Nutrition and food Research 等杂志发表185篇文章 , 以及17篇书的章节。他指导的博士生获得了许多重要的国际研究生大奖,例如美国化学会的研究生研究奖,International
Nutraceutical Society 的研究生研究奖等。
题目:Bacteriocins: intelligent
approaches For human applications
报告人: Professor Michael Chikindas
时 间:2018年5月25日(周五)上午10:20-11:00
地 点:食品科技学院学术报告厅(食品院215)
Dr. Michael L. Chikindas
is a Head of the Health Promoting Naturals Laboratory and a Professor at the School of Environmental and Biological
Sciences (Rutgers University).
Dr. Chikindas is an applied molecular microbiologist studying natural-derived
antimicrobials and probiotics for use in personal care and agriculture. He
holds the M.S. summa cum laude degree in Microbial Genetics from the Yerevan State University
(Armenia) and the Ph.D.
degree from the Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms (Moscow, Russia).
Chikindas joined Rutgers State University in 1998 with experience in the
government sector (Institute of Applied Microbiology, Obolensk, Russia and
Center for Molecular Diagnostics, Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia), academia
(Groningen University, The Netherlands), and industry (Unilever Research Port
Sunlight, UK and Janssen Research Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Belgium).
His external funding stems from private industries/organizations such as Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation and from governmental agencies such as NIH,
USDA, and NSF, summing to 21 grants/funded projects. He co-authored several
patents, more than 70 papers and four book chapters.
Dr. Chikindas developed and
implemented a number of courses at Rutgers,
including Food Microbiology (undergraduate level) and Beneficial Microbes in
Food and Life (graduate level). He
serves as a Member of the Editorial Boards of Applied and Environmental
Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology,
and Beneficial Microbes. Dr. Chikindas is a founder and Editor-in-Chief of
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins.